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當前位置: 步行式電動(dòng)堆高車(chē) > 步行式托盤(pán)堆垛車(chē)
產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng):步行式托盤(pán)堆垛車(chē)        品牌:EFORK       產(chǎn)品型號:CDDC
產(chǎn)品介紹 技術(shù)參數 售后保障

? 內置高能密封電池,長(cháng)期免維護使用,壽命期內無(wú)需加液加水。

? 體積小巧,節省空間,在很小的通道亦能順利通過(guò)。

? 偏置操控,大大提高作業(yè)視野,避免行駛過(guò)程中作業(yè)者與車(chē)身相撞。
? 較長(cháng)的操作手柄,大大降低了操作車(chē)子所需力量,使操作更輕便。
? 緊急斷電開(kāi)關(guān)作為標準配置,只需按下緊急停止按鈕就可以切斷所有電源,車(chē)子立即停止或緊急情況下快速斷電,提供安全保護。
? 多功能手柄,集成控制(加速、喇叭、緊急方向、升降按鈕),人機設計操作更加舒適。

? Built-in high-energy sealed battery, Long-term use without maintenance, you don’t need to add water during the period of life.
? The forklift has many advantages, like compact size, easy to display, and saving working space. In particular, it can successfully go through even in a small channel.
? Bias control can greatly improve the working vision; also can avoid collision between operators and the car in the process of driving.
? Long handle operation, greatly reduces the operating force make the operation more portable.
? We consider emergency power switch as a standard configuration. Just press the emergency stop button to cut off all the power in case of an emergency, the car can stop immediately.

? We have Multi-function handle and integrated control (Like acceleration, horn, emergency direction, lift button). All this function makes the operation more comfortable.

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400 888 5107
24小時(shí)免費服務(wù)熱線(xiàn):400 888 5107