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24小時(shí)免費服務(wù)熱線(xiàn):400 888 5107
當前位置: 無(wú)叉腿電動(dòng)堆高車(chē) > 無(wú)叉腿平衡重叉車(chē)
產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng):無(wú)叉腿平衡重叉車(chē)        品牌:EFORK       產(chǎn)品型號:CDD-B
產(chǎn)品介紹 技術(shù)參數 售后保障
? CURTIS柯蒂斯電控,控制器多重自動(dòng)保護系統。
? 無(wú)叉腿堆高車(chē),可調式鍛打貨叉,輕松適用多種托盤(pán),方便接近貨品,減少叉腿不能進(jìn)空間的麻煩。
? 高質(zhì)量帶緩沖液壓泵站,噪音低,震動(dòng)小,密封性好,起升下降平穩可靠。
? 防滑制動(dòng)功能,使車(chē)子在失控或者斜坡行駛時(shí),防止其下滑。
? 交流驅動(dòng)系統,驅動(dòng)無(wú)級調速,安全,靜音,緊急反向裝置/緊急制動(dòng)開(kāi)關(guān)。
? 緊急斷電開(kāi)關(guān)作為標準配置,只需按下緊急停止按鈕就可以切斷所有電源,車(chē)子立即停止或  緊急情況下快速斷電,提供安全保護。
? 多功能手柄,集成控制(加速、喇叭、緊急方向、升降按鈕),人機設計操作更加舒適。

? Because of CURTIS electronic control, so we have multiple automatic protection system controllers.
? No fork leg electric stacker has adjustable forged fork. It is easily applied to a variety of pallet. It is convenient to get close to the goods so as to reduce the trouble that fork can’t enter into the space of the goods.
? High quality with buffer hydraulic pump station has the character of low noise, low vibration, sealing good, smooth and reliable hoisting and falling.
? Anti-skid brake function prevent the car from declining when car driving out of control or at slope.
? AC drive system, Driven steeples speed regulation, safe, quiet, emergency reverse device/emergency brake switch.
? We consider emergency power switch as a standard configuration. Just press the emergency stop button to cut off all the power in case of an emergency, the car can stop immediately.

? We have Multi-function handle and integrated control (Like acceleration, horn, emergency direction, lift button). All this function makes the operation more comfortable.




?CE認證,“CE”標志是一種安全認證標志,被視為制造商打開(kāi)并進(jìn)入歐洲市場(chǎng)的護照。CE代表歐洲統一(CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE)(未經(jīng)允許不得它用);


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24小時(shí)免費服務(wù)熱線(xiàn):400 888 5107