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24小時(shí)免費服務(wù)熱線(xiàn):400 888 5107
當前位置: 座駕式電動(dòng)堆高車(chē) > 三支點(diǎn)平衡重叉車(chē)
產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng):三支點(diǎn)平衡重叉車(chē)        品牌:EFORK       產(chǎn)品型號:CPD-A
產(chǎn)品介紹 技術(shù)參數 售后保障

? CURTIS柯蒂斯電控,控制器多重自動(dòng)保護系統。

? EPS轉向能耗降低~20%,作業(yè)精確,轉向輕便靈活,降低駕駛員疲勞度,大幅提升生產(chǎn)力。

? 立式AC交流驅動(dòng),無(wú)碳刷,免維護,高效能電機,精確控制,輸出強勁動(dòng)力。

? 體積小,重量輕,轉變半徑小,輕松進(jìn)電梯,適用于樓層及車(chē)廂內作業(yè),提高了通過(guò)性和空間利用率。

? 前輪是橡膠實(shí)心胎,抓地力強,運行平穩。

? 門(mén)架設計有緩沖系統,前傾后仰功能。

? 叉車(chē)坡道臨時(shí)停車(chē)采用電控自動(dòng)和腳制動(dòng)的雙保險方法,為車(chē)輛在坡道停車(chē)提供安全保障。

? Because of CURTIS electronic control, so we have multiple automatic protection system controllers.

? EPS swerve can reduce 20% of the energy consumption. It is precise, flexible, and convenient to operate. At the same time, it can reduce driver fatigue, boost productivity.

? Vertical AC drive, no carbon brush, free maintenance, highly efficient motor, accuracy control, powerfully output.

? Small volume, low weight, small turn radius, easily enter into the elevator, suitable for working in floor or within the carriage, improved the pass-ability and space utilization.

? The front wheel of the solid rubber tyres, strong grip, and stable operation.

? The design of portal-frame has a buffer system, leaning back function.

? Forklift temporary parking ramp adopt both electronically controlled and the foot brake to get a double insurance.

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400 888 5107
24小時(shí)免費服務(wù)熱線(xiàn):400 888 5107